Saturday, December 10, 2022

The youth of old age

On less than a day's notice Rick, Christine, and Janice responded to my email by agreeing to join me on a 100K ride that visits locations used as stops on the underground railroad in south Jersey. 

Rick later sent an email that reminded us all that, 10 years ago, to the day, the four of us rode together on a 200K south Jersey route and he sent us a link to this blogpost about that ride. He called it our 10th anniversary. 

Sunday, July 3, 2022

Thoughts on training for London-Edinburgh-London 1500KM: Endurance

I am registered to ride London Edinburgh London. It is a 1520 KM ride along the coast of the United Kingdom and we have 125 hours to finish it. To put it another way, we'll be riding 944.48 miles in 5.2 days - that's about 185 miles a day.

LEL will be the longest event I've taken on to date. It's about 300K longer than Paris Brest Paris. The weather is infamous for rain and wind. The terrain is noted for its climbing. The distance is more than I typically ride in a month. To put it another  way, this will be a challenge. 

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

After the shutdown: Renaissance Athlete.

What a long strange year. My mom passed away in September 2019 after months of a steady, rapid decline in health. Then, in early 2020, while still getting my mind around the reality of living in a world without her, the world itself took a turn for the worse as the coronavirus literally went viral, spreading rapidly around the world, shutting down business, separating people, limiting travel, creating social distance. Social upheaval: protests, political chaos, erupted. It seemed like the fabric of society itself was being stretched thin. The virus is not quite done yet but, it seems, I hope, that the worst of it is behind us. Emerging from the shut down brought on by the coronavirus -Covid-19- and the world is a different place. There is so much to unpack; it's going to take a while.

Saturday, August 29, 2020

PBP 2019 - A home movie

Part One:

Part Two:

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

On the final day of PBP 2019

Thursday morning on the final day of PBP. I am on the way to Rambouillet. The sun is rising over golden French fields. I am one of several riders who find themselves together at this place at this time. We are climbing yet another long but gentle rise.

"Are you happy?" 

The question comes from the clear, almost musical London accent of a man's voice.

Saturday, May 11, 2019

A few thoughts on the 2019 NJ Pinelands 300K

Finish the Damn Ride

Finish the Damn Ride is an "unwritten" ethos of Randonneurring. Sure there are caveats, safety comes first but, if you can safely continue, that ethos  can lead to some inspirational results.