
Friday, March 30, 2012

Friday Writings for Randos - The Order of Grace

{Friday Writings for Randos - A weekly post that features pieces from other writers that touch some facet of the Randonneuring experience, even if that was not the author's intent. It's stuff that's best read out loud - slowly.} This week it's . . .

The Order of Grace

by Lars Gustafsson

This card does not entitle the bearer
to a seat in first class.

This card does not entitle the bearer
to a seat.

This card does not entitle the bearer
to the Order of Charles XIII, twelfth class,
on a blue Seraphim ribbon.

This card does not,in fact, entitle the bearer
to universal attention, love and admiration.

This card does not entitle the bearer
to sexual favors, groceries or a roof over his head.

This card does not entitle the wearer
to hold other cards.

This card, however, does entitle the bearer
to hold his card as long as he may wish.


  1. Your reactions say "wish I was there," "Glad I wasn't" and "More please." This poem is a beautiful descriptive explanation of where we all are. So my vote is for "this is where we all are, more please."
