
Thursday, April 5, 2012

Friday Writings for Randos - in celebration of surviving

{Friday Writings for Randos - A weekly post that features pieces from other writers that touch some facet of the Randonneuring experience, even if that was not the author's intent. It's stuff that's best read out loud - slowly.} This week it's:.

in celebration of surviving

by Chuck Miller
when senselessness has pounded you around on the ropes
and you're getting too old to hold out for the future
no work and running out of money
and then you make a try after something you know
you won't get
and this long shot comes through on the stretch
in a photo finish of your heart's trepidation
then for a while
even when the chill factor of these prairie winters puts it at fifty below
you're warm and have that old feeling
of being a comer, though belated
in the crazy game of life

standing in the winter light
emptying the garbage and looking at the stars
you realize that although the odds are fantastically against you 
when that single January shooting star
flung its wad in the maw of the night
it was yours
and though the years are edged with crime and squalor
that second wind, or twenty-third
is coming strong
and for a time
perhaps a very short time
one lives as though in a golden envelope of light

1 comment:

  1. and for a time
    perhaps a very short time
    one lives as though in a golden envelope of light
