
Sunday, October 6, 2013

Coffeeneuring day one: "Junetober"

The third annual casual caffeinated cycle challenge called Coffeeneuring  (click for rules!) is underway. Once again my wife and I are stepping up to the plate mug.


Saturday Oct. 5, 2013.

"Junetober"  Felkerino called it. The hot humid weather that settled over the mid Atlantic states these first days of October. 

We rode to an outside table at the Jenkintown West Avenue Grille.The waiter says it is cooler inside, with the A/C.  We stay outside in the shade under the umbrella. A breeze, cool and welcome, occasionally blows through the separation between the buildings where the metal tables line up along the windows of the Grille. This weather won't last.

We arrived between lunch and dinner.  The other tables, inside and out, are empty. She has coffee. I have an Octoberfest ale and, later, coffee.

After another week of attending to others and the things that we have to attend to as responsible adults and parents, we sit for a bit at the table, with our drinks and just talk. 


4 miles total.

1 comment:

  1. I did my rides last weekend alone. My riding partner was at a workshop. But I had beautiful weather, and I always enjoy the "people" entertainment while I'm drinking my joe
